Roberto Echavarren

Roberto Echavarren is one of Uruguay’s most prolific and renowned writers. Born in Montevideo, his many books of poetry include Centralasia (Ministerio de Cultura of Uruguay Award), El expreso entre el sueño y la vigilia (Nancy Bacelo Foundation Award; US bilingual edition: The Express between Sleep and Wakefulness), El monte nativo and Performance, género y transgénero, an anthology of his poetry plus interviews and articles by critics about his work. Novels include Ave Rock (edited in Argentina, Uruguay and Spain), El diablo en el pelo (The Devil in the Hair, edited in Uruguay and Argentina), Las aventuras de la negra Lola (The Adventures of Black Lola, edited in Uruguay and Chile), Archipiélago: Tres novelas: El pintor de Creta, El surfista de Bali, El fotógrafo de Manhattan (Penguin Random House 2017), and Las noches rusas (Russian Nights), a chronicle of political and cultural life of Russia in the twentieth century. Plays include Natalia Petrovna (awarded and published by the Cultural Center of Spain in Uruguay), and África, la muñeca de Felisberto Hernández (África, Felisberto Hernández’s Doll), based on a real case, performed in Montevideo throughout 2012 and 2013, and later published in Argentina.
As a translator he specializes in critical bilingual editions of poetry from English, German and Russian.
Essays and critical work include El espacio de la verdad: Felisberto Hernández (The Space of Truth: Felisberto Hernández), Arte androgino (Androgynous Art, Ministry of Culture of Uruguay Award), Fuera de genero: criaturas de la invencion erotica (Beyond Gender: Creatures of Erotic Invention), Michel Foucault: filosofía política de la historia (Michel Foucault: Political Philosophy of History), and Margen de ficción: poeticas de la narrativa hispanoamericana (Margin of Fiction: Poetics of Latin American Narrative).
He has taught for two decades as a Full Professor at New York University. He has also taught at the University of London, at the Instituto Rojas of the University of Buenos Aires, at the University of Chile, and at the University of the Republic in Montevideo.
Harvard Review publication of Hotel Lautréamont: Contemporary Poetry from Uruguay
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The Virgin Mountain
$16.00 Add to cartThe Virgin Mountain
Roberto Echavarren
trans Donald Wellman and Roberto Echavarren
9781944884239 (pbk)
You don’t know Latin American poetry unless you know Roberto Echavarren.$16.00
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