Serena Piccoli and William Allegrezza
Prunes and Prisms
ISBN 978-1-956921-34-2 (paperback, bi-lingual Italian and English)
120 pages: $19.95
September 1, 2024 (Available for pre-order)
This book is a collaborative poetry book written by two poets, one American and one Italian, which began in March 2020 surrounded by the pandemic and the personal/political responses to it, and it continued until January 2023 fueled by topics like environmental damage, political propaganda, violence, nature, and language. Both poets have different styles and tastes, but their work merges in these pieces into something distinct with moments of chaos, political anger, and heartbreak as the speakers negotiate Serena’s energetic political and social ideas and William’s concerns about language meaning and ecopoetics. They document a conversation held mind to mind that became greater than the individual. Occasionally the poems lead to a conclusion, but often they lead towards more questions. The Italian literary critic Giorgia Monti says of it, “Stratifications, changes of plan and deviations of meaning are also found on a semantic level in the precipitation from one word to another, from one line to another that Piccoli and Allegrezza shrewdly compose.”
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