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About Lavender Ink and Diálogos

Lavender Ink was founded in 1995 in New Orleans by Bill Lavender, who is still the Director and Editor in Chief. The Press is a sole-proprietorship funded solely by revenues from book sales and some small grants and funding initiatives for individual books. Prior to 2012 the press published only poetry, but is now publishing fiction and nonfiction also. Diálogos is the official business name (registered as a sole proprietorship in Louisiana); Lavender Ink and Diálogos are the two imprints published by Diálogos. Most Lavender Ink titles are American poetry, fiction, or nonfiction. The Diálogos imprint is devoted to literatures which have cross-cultural significance, primarily but not exclusively literature in translation.

Our mission is change the world through poetry, as most of the fiction we publish could rightly be called poetic. We believe that great literature both chronicles the age and influences the future, and we also believe that it is inherently valuable to read and study the literatures of nations, languages and cultures other than one’s own, as well as forward-looking and socially engaged work from one’s own home town. Thus we publish poets from New Orleans but also California and New York, and we have published poetry and fiction in translation from more than twenty nations in Latin America, Europe, and Africa. We hope that the eclectic nature of our collection inspires dialog, both literal and textual, across borders of all kinds.

Submissions are peer-reviewed via a large network of poets, writers and scholars around the world. Many of the authors and translators in our current list peer-review new submissions, and though the list of those who have helped out in the past is long, we single out Peter Thompson, professor of romance languages at Roger Williams University, longtime friend and supporter of the press, whose advice on matters of translation and world literature we cannot do without. It was out of conversations with Peter that Diálogos was born.


Demise of SPD:

Lavender Ink and Diálogos were affected by the sudden demise of Small Press Distribution. For individual buyers, this should have little effect; we can still fulfill orders on this site and at Amazon. Bookstores, read on.

Enter, Asterism:

As of April 2024 we are distributed to bookstores by Asterism Books. All recent titles and a substantial portion of our backlist is now available there. Asterism is designed for bookstores, with a quick, easy interface and automatic discounting.


Many of our titles—almost all of the prose and some of the poetry—are available wholesale from Ingram. Bookstores, if you only go through Ingram and you are looking for a title and don’t see it there, email us and we will find an option that suits you.

Direct Wholesale:

Our complete backlist is available on this site. Enter any title, author, or ISBN in one of the search boxes and you should find it. ISBNs should be searchable with or without dashes. To place a wholesale order, you may simply create the order on this site and choose “Check Payment” as the payment method. We will then respond with the price adjusted to your discount. You may also email us (orders@lavenderink.org) title, quantity and shipping address and we will send you back a coupon code to use.


If you would like to assign one of our books for a class, we offer free desk copies for you and discounted prices for your students. Please email us the course title, time frame, and anticipated number of students and we’ll send you a desk copy and a coupon code for your students to use.


While our list is diverse and we are always interested in new and distinct voices, we are extremely far behind in responding to queries at the moment, but doing our best to get caught up. If you have queried and not gotten a response, feel free to resubmit (after reading the new guidelines below). Or if you’re new to us and you own at least two books in our catalog, and have read 5, and feel we’re a good fit for your work, feel free to submit. At this time we are reading poetry and novel-length fiction and nonfiction, original work and work in translation, only. Please no short manuscripts; we generally like our books to be 100 pages minimum. Send your query in an email to editors@lavenderink.org. You should attach the full manuscript in Word or rtf format (please no pdf); the body of the email should contain a brief (one paragraph) synopsis of the work, a brief (one page or less) sample of the writing, and a very brief bio.

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