Two New Reviews of Ulacia

Check out these two recent reviews of Manuel Ulacia Selected Poems, Translated and Selected by Indran Amirthanayagam: Jonathan Harrington review at World Literature Today. Walter Holland review at Lambda Literary Review.

Four New Volumes of Poetry in Translation Launching in time for ALTA

We’ve had a busy Spring, here, with lots of new titles in the works, including these four now available for pre-order, launching this Fall just in time for the ALTA conference. My Soul Has No Corners, by Souad Labbize, translated from the French by Susanna Lang, with cover art by Annie Kurkdjian. Souad Labbize is […]

2 New Releases by Adeena Karasick to Launch at the New Orleans Poetry Festival

This April we will be launching two poetically, visually and politically arresting titles by Adeena Karasick at the New Orleans Poetry Festival, which is taking place April 13-16. Adeena performs at 4 PM that Saturday, April 15, at Café Istanbul in the New Orleans Healing Center, along with her collaborator, designer/author Warren Lehrer.The release event, […]

Manuel Ulacia: New Selection and Translation by Indran Amirthanayagam

Manuel Ulacia (1953–2001) was born into a family of Spanish poets of the famous “Generation of ‘27” who fled to Mexico from the Spanish Civil War. Manuel studied Hispanic literature at Yale, specializing in Luis Cernuda, then returned to Mexico where he became a protégé of Octavio Paz and later president of PEN’s Mexico chapter. […]

New Translation of Baroja

We’re excited to be releasing, this month, the first translation of famed Spanish novelist Pío Baroja’s Los Amores Tardíos, translated as Night Flame by Spanish scholar D. J. Walker. Well-known and respected in Europe, Baroja is one member of Spain’s famed Generation of ’98 who has received little attention in the US, despite the respect […]

t thilleman at Brooklyn Rail

Lavender Ink author (Free Compositions and the newly-released Improviso) and prolific publisher and poetry raconteur t. thilleman is featured in the current issue of Brooklyn Rail. In the interview he discusses Free Compositions and a wide range of other topics, including the new documentary film Poetry New York, releasing this month at the Chain NYC […]

Chad Foret, William Faulkner-William Wisdom Award Grand Prize Winner

This year’s William Faulkner-William Wisdom Award Grand Prize Winner is Chad Foret for his paean to south Louisiana, Scenes from a Rain Country. “I am confident writers of the 22nd century will regard Chad Foret’s Scenes from a Rain Country as the text where surrealism and intimacy swam a mutual reservoir,” says Jon Riccio of […]

NOPF is Here!

The New Orleans Poetry Festival, 2022, starts up this weekend with online events. Check out the entire event schedule here. The first half of the week is devoted to online events, with live events beginning Thursday, 4-20. Here is the info for our reading: Lavender Ink / Dialogos Books Reading With:  Indran Amirthanayagam , Rosemary Daniell , Kit Robinson , Aicha Bassry , Norman […]

Lavender Ink / Diálogos at AWP

Please join us at two offsite events in Philly during AWP next week. First, we are cosponsoring a PREFUNK PARTY, in collaboration with Unlikely Stories, Rigorous: a journal by people of color, and Louisiana’s River Writers. Come see us at Strangelove’s Beer Bar216 S. 11th St.Wendesday, March 23, 6-10:30pm At this reading will be Indran Amirthanayagam […]

Indran Amirthanayagam Reviewed in World Literature Today

Blue Window has attracted the attention of World Literature Today, where it is reviewed this month by Jonathan Harrington, who analyzes the book thoroughly: With almost no subject matter being taboo in postmodern poetry, ironically the oldest subject of all is, for most contemporary poets, strictly off-limits. That subject is love. It actually takes courage to […]

Agadir Longlisted for National Translation Award!

Diálogos is happy to announce that Agadir, Mohammed Khaïr-Eddine’s genre-defying masterpiece, in translation by Pierre Joris and Jake Syersak, has been longlisted for the National Translation Award. See the complete listings here. You can also read more about Agadir and Khaïr-Eddine in this in-depth review article in Banipal, now available online at this link.

Two New Titles from Morocco

We are excited to be releasing, almost simultaneously, two newly translated works by Moroccan women. The first is Liqueur of Aloe, Jocelyne Laâbi’s compelling memoir of growing up in a French colonial family, her marriage to poet Abdellatif Laâbi and their work on the influential literary/political magazine Souffles, which earned Abdellatif a prison sentence and […]

Discovery of the New World at Modern Novel

John Alvey’s review of Nabile Farès’ Discovery of the New World is now up at The Modern Novel. We recommend this thoroughly researched and prepared article as a fitting introduction to Farès’ magnum opus. In appreciation, we’re giving 20% off the paperback OR the ebook, for the month of October. Check it out here.

Hank Lazer’s Thinking in Jewish in Jacket2

We’re gratified to see so many reviews and essays concerning Lavender Ink and Diálogos books in recent days. Here is one, on Hank Lazer’s Thinking in Jewish, by Ariel Resnikoff at Jacket2. Resnikoff opens with: Hank Lazer’s shape-writing walks a very narrow bridge, which is — as the Hasidic mystic, Reb Nahman of Breslov teaches […]

A Novel of London reviewed by Vesna Goldsworthy in Asymptote

The international literary journal Asymptote has recently published an extensive review of Miloš Crnjanski’s A Novel of London. This essay by international best-selling author Vesna Goldsworthy is a crash course in Crnjanski, as well as a knowledgable analysis of Will Firth’s translation: Miloš Crnjanski’s A Novel of London (1971) is one of the key works of twentieth […]

The Murderous Sky reviewed by Joyce Zonana

Check out this amazing review of Rosemary Daniell‘s The Murderous Sky, by Joyce Zonana at Feminism and Religion: …Cixous reminds us that “we need the books that hurt us,” books that “strike us like terrible events,” written by writers who “play with fire . . . sometimes go as far as catching fire, as far […]

Diálogos at NOPF

The live (well, Zoom) event at the New Orleans Poetry Festival was Sunday, April 25, 2 PM CDT, when Diálogos Presented Readings from Recent Translations and Roundtable on Translating Experimental Works.  This reading/roundtable featured poets and their translators, with bilingual readings and discussions of the works and the translation process. On hand: Giancarlo Huapaya and […]

The New Orleans Poetry Festival returns

Lavender Ink / Diálogos is proud to be one of the founding organizers of The New Orleans Poetry Festival. The fest returns after a one-year Covid hiatus with a full month of online programming this April. The opening event features a hybrid performance of readings from the new anthology I Am New Orleans, and programming […]

The Murderous Sky Reviewed at Like the Dew

Steve Croft has posted an engaging and thorough review of Rosemary Daniell‘s The Murderous Sky at Like the Dew. Croft writes: Throughout these poems that move from the idyllic-seeming promise of childhood to the speaker’s children’s too often harrowing experiences of adulthood, it becomes quickly clear that we are in a realm of literature approached […]

Huapaya Reviewed at KR

“Huapaya’s poetry overwhelms; the words and images build against each other until they create the walls of their own world,” says Katherine M. Hedeen of Giancarlo Huapaya‘s Sub Verse Workshop. Hedeen reviews SVW and other works of interest in the March 2021 edition of Kenyon Review‘s Micro Reviews.