Dennis Formento

Dennis Formento lives in Slidell, Louisiana, USA, Mississippi bioregion, on Chahtah land near Bayou Bonfouca,. His books include Spirit Vessels (FootHills Publishing, 2018) Looking for An Out Place (FootHills, 2010,) and Cineplex (Paper Press, 2014.) Edited Mesechabe: The Journal of Surregionalism, 1991-2001. He collaborates locally with musicians (from 2001 – 2004 with his own Frank Zappatistas free jazz/free verse project,) and in Italy with renowned “avant-folk” group Duo Bottasso. Dennis was a founding member of the world-wide poetry network, 100,000 Poets for Change, and has organized readings in New Orleans and St. Tammany Parish since 2011. In September 2023 Dennis won first prize for poetry manuscript of the Pirate’s Alley Faulkner Society, for Phaeton’s Wheels, which resulted in this book.

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