Grzegorz Wróblewski

Grzegorz Wróblewski was born in 1962 in Gdańsk and grew up in Warsaw. Since 1985 he has been living in Copenhagen. He is the author of dozens of volumes of poetry, essays, and drama in Poland, as well as several books in Denmark and other countries. His work has been translated into Bosnian, Czech, Danish, English, Spanish, Romanian, Russian, Vietnamese, and other languages. As a visual artist, he has exhibited his paintings in various galleries in Denmark, Germany, England, and Poland. 

English translations of Wróblewski’s poetry appear in many journals, including most recently Denver Quarterly, Ambit, Mantis, Mercurius, Hotel, Asymptote, Formes poetiques contemporaines, Lana Turner, The Malahat Review, Exchanges: Journal of Literary Translation, FIELD, Antioch Review, Past Simple, Tripwire, Granta, Copper Nickel, 6×6 Magazine, Inventory, Jacket2, Los Angeles Review, Pleiades, The Nation, Anomalous Press, Poetry Wales, Poetry at Sangam, White Elephant, The Brooklyn Rail, Poetry Salzburg Review, Seneca Review, Colorado Review, and AGNI Online. They also appear in anthologies, such as Fafnir’s Heart: World Poetry in Translation (Bombaykala Books), Dwarf Stars: The Best Very Short Speculative Poems (Science Fiction Poetry Association), A Generation Defining Itself – In Our Own Words Vol. 7 (MW Enterprises), Altered State: The New Polish Poetry (Arc Publications), and Carnivorous Boy Carnivorous Bird: Poetry from Poland (Zephyr Press). Chapbooks include These Extraordinary People (trans. the author & Malcolm Sinclair, erbacce-press, 2008), Mercury Project (trans. Adam Zdrodowski, Toad Press, 2008), and A Rarity (trans. Agnieszka Pokojska, Červená a Barva Press, 2009).

Full-length collections of Wróblewski’s poetry in English translation include Our Flying Objects (trans. Joel Leonard Katz, Rod Mengham, Malcolm Sinclair, Adam Zdrodowski, Equipage, 2007), A Marzipan Factory (trans. Adam Zdrodowski, Otoliths, 2010), Kopenhaga (trans. Piotr Gwiazda, Zephyr Press, 2013), Let’s Go Back to the Mainland (trans. Agnieszka Pokojska, Červená Barva Press, 2014), and Zero Visibility (trans. Piotr Gwiazda, Phoneme Media/Deep Vellum, 2017). 

Wróblewski’s collection of asemic work Shanty Town was published by Post-Asemic Press in 2022. 




From the Fishouse

“Grzegorz Wróblewski do ludzkości. Nagranie 12.07.1997”

Grzegorz Wróblewski, “Wiara”

Grzegorz Wróblewski, “Melancholia”

Everything is Connected: Interview with Author and Artist Grzegorz Wróblewski, Danish Cultural Institute

An Interview with Grzegorz Wróblewski in Eclectica 

Anna Kałuża, “A world according to G.W”

Piotr Gwiazda, “On translating Grzegorz Wróblewski’s Zero Visibility 

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