Jeff Friedman

Jeff Friedman’s sixth collection of poetry, Pretenders, was published by Carnegie Mellon University Press in 2014. His poems, mini stories and translations have appeared in many literary magazines, including American Poetry ReviewPoetry, 5 AM, New England Review, Poetry International, Quick Fiction, North American Review, Missouri Review, Ontario Review, Antioch Review, Agni Online, Boulevard, Big Bridge, 100-Word Story, Prairie Schooner, Sentence, New England Review Digital, Vestal Review, Plume, and The New Republic.  His poems recently appeared in the anthology The New Bloomsbury Anthology of Contemporary Jewish Poets, and one of his flash stories was published in the anthology Flash Fiction Funny. He and Dzvinia Orlowsky cotranslated Memorials, a selection of poems by Polish poet Mieczysław Jastrun. A contributing editor to Natural Bridge and Anthem Literary Journal, he lives in West Lebanon, New Hamphshire with the artist Colleen Randall and their dog Bekka.

Dzvinia Orlowsky and Jeff Friedman won an NEA Translation Fellowship for their translation of Jastrun’s Memorials.



Jeff Friedman’s Amazon Page

 Pretenders, Carnegie Mellon University Press/UPNE

 Pretenders on Amazon

 Working in Flour, Carnegie Mellon University Press/UPNE

 Black Threads, Carnegie Mellon University Press/UPNE

 Taking Down the Angel, Carnegie Mellon University Press/UPNE

 Scattering the Ashes, Amazon

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