Kenia Cano
Kenia Cano was born in Mexico City and currently resides in Cuernavaca. Her poetry books include Oración de Pájaros (2005, poetry and paintings), Las Aves de Este Día (2009, with a visual portfolio dedicated to Rodin and Audobon, winner of the Carlos Pellicer Ibero-American Poetry Prize), Autorretrato con Animales (2013), Un Animal para los Ojos (2016), Diario de Poemas Incómodos (2017, prose poems with an interwoven diary), and Parcela Blanca (2023). Her work is collected in several national and international anthologies, and poems have been translated into French, English and Italian. She has exhibited paintings in Mexico, France and the United States and been a fellow of the Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Conaculta. She has a master’s in Art and Literature from UAEM (Toluca, Mexico), leads workshops on correspondences between the arts, and practices yoga and human figure drawing.
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