Maceo Montoya

Maceo Montoya’s paintings, drawings, and prints have been featured in exhibitions and publications throughout the country as well as internationally. He has published three works of fiction, The Scoundrel and the Optimist (2010), The Deportation of Wopper Barraza (2014) and You Must Fight Them: A Novella and Stories (2015), as well as Letters to the Poet from His Brother (2014), a hybrid book combining images, prose poems, and essays. His most recent publication is Chicano Movement for Beginners, a work of graphic nonfiction. Montoya is an associate professor in the Chicana/o Studies Department at UC Davis where he teaches the Chicana/o Mural Workshop and courses in Chicano Literature.


Maceo’s website

Interview and review of The Deportation of Wopper Barraza at L.A. Review of Books 

Article on Maceo at Yale’s Ethnicity, Race and Migration site



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