William Bradley

asBesides Fractals, William Bradley is the author of Tales of a Multiverse in Peril!, a chapbook collection of story/ essay hybrids published by Urban Farmhouse Press.

His work has appeared in a variety of magazines and journals including The Missouri Review, Brevity, Creative Nonfiction, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Fourth Genre, and The Bellevue Literary Review. He regularly writes about popular culture for The Normal School and creative nonfiction for Utne Reader.

Formerly of Canton, New York, he lived in Ohio with his wife, the Renaissance scholar and poet Emily Isaacson, until his untimely death in 2017. 



Review of Fractals in Inside Higher Ed

Author Website

William Bradley on Twitter

Information on Tales of a Multiverse in Peril

Teaching Creative Nonfiction Blog

Inside Higher Ed columns

Poets and Writers directory profile

Academia.edu profile

“Julio at Large”

“The Bald and the Beautiful”

“Ham’s Lesson”

“Acquiring Empathy Through Essays”

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