Below Zero


Eduardo del Valle
Inside America’s Pit; rebuilding Ground Zero…

SKU: 978-1935084259 Category: Tags: ,


Eduardo del Valle

ISBN 978-1935084259
100 pages: $15.00
May, 2013



Inside America’s Pit; rebuilding Ground Zero… 
Below Zero is a collection of poems, haibun and haiku, written by architect Eduardo del Valle, beginning with his first day on the Ground Zero job site in 2007 and ending  when the tower’s ground floor slab reached street level.  The poems are inspired by a wide range of project experiences and events, all the complex emotions and activities going on in and about the site of reconstruction in the wake of one of America’s— and the World’s— greatest disasters. Del Valle’s architectural training and practice lend a unique vernacular  and insight to the poems as they chronicle the progress of this monolithic undertaking.




Eduardo del Valle is a practicing architect in New York City, where he’s worked on the reconstruction of One World Trade Center since 2007. Below Zero is his first full length collection, though his poems and stories have been published widely.



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