

Myron Zolotakis
“…a split second in which the fulness of history is compressed.” —Annemarie Estor


Myron Zolotakis

Translated by Peter Bien

Art by Dimitris Mytaras


ISBN: 978-1-956921-16-8 (pbk., color illustrations)

(May, 2023) (Pre-order pricing through May 31)

Fuselage marks the first full-length publication in English for the respected Greek poet, Myron Zolotakis, in translation by Peter Bien. The volume is enhanced by the full color artwork of Dimitris Mytaras, who worked closely with Zolotakis to produce the work. Mytaras died, tragically, in 2017

Myron Zolotakis (L) with Dimitris Mytaras. Photo: Spyros Aronis

I confess that very few times did I rejoice so much drawing from poetry. The air, the images of the poems helped me to test my strength in the poetry of drawing. I would be content if that is something I achieved.

—Dimitris Mytaras, Greek painter and writer


Zolotakis’s work is like a series of short films about the great questions, chiefly those concerning loss and the phenomena of time and light that are so central to, and so long-standing within, our conception of the world and our place there.  The poet plays continually with their presence, absence, and occasional coexistence, revealing a Weltanschauung in which the invisible becomes visible. The archaic atmosphere, idyllic scenery and age-old fundamental concerns are regularly interrupted by blips of contemporary life. And sometimes in the blinking illumination and the gorgeous mechanisms of Zolotakis’s art all the articulations of time combine into a single instant, a split second in which the fulness of history is compressed.

—Annemarie Estor, Dutch Poet, Herman de Coninck Prize


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