Sound and Basin


Megan Burns
Poems rooted in geography, in landscapes where land and water collect to build memory.

SKU: 978-1935084280 Category: Tags: , , ,


Megan Burns

ISBN 978-1935084280
100 pages: $15.00
March, 2013
Joint publication with Trembling Pillow Press


Sound and Basin is a collection of poems rooted in geography, in landscapes, in the interstices where land and water collect and cohere to build memory. These poems carry the burden of ecological threats, the inevitable presence of extinction; the intersections are stopping points to collect and to name in the face of forgetting. From the oldest known carved bone, the Ishango bone, to the infrastructure that underlies the mystery of any city, “the threadwork holding together the castle” is contained in these poems that attempt to sing before the silence prevails. 



Megan Burns edits the poetry magazine, Solid Quarter. She has been published in Jacket Magazine, Callaloo, New Laurel Review, Trickhouse, and the Big Bridge New Orleans Anthology. Her poetry and prose reviews have been published in Tarpaulin Sky, Gently Read Lit, Big Bridgeand Rain Taxi. She has two recent chapbooks: irrational knowledge (Fell Swoop press, 2012) and a city/ bottle boned (Dancing Girl Press, 2012). She lives in New Orleans where she runs Trembling Pillow Press.



This book is a joint publication with Trembling Pillow.

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Weight 9 oz


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